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Frequently Asked Questions




Will there be a bus for the upcoming match?


For most Dual meets and JV Quad matches there is a bus provided.  Pinellas county does not provide buses for Varsity tournaments.  It is extremely expensive for us to charter a bus.  Therefore for tournaments we use private vehicles for transportation.


What time does my wrestler need to be to the school for the match?


For Dual Meets and JV Quads:


Be at East Lake: 4pm


Bus departs:  5:30 or earlier (if away)


Wrestling begins: 6:30 pm 

Varsity Tournaments:


Times will vary.  I let the team know the week of the tournament.  Information will also be shared through Remind 101. Wrestlers are also expected to share this information with parents.

How can I help with the team?


Contact Coach Golombek at or Coach Marzo at


What are excusable abscences?


Personal Illness (student stayed home from school) & Family Emergencies

  • Please be aware that each athlete will sign an agreement about unexcused absences, which can result in failure to compete and possible removal from the team. 



Are Holiday practices mandatory?


Our holiday practice schedules are fairly light.  Being that we are a winter sport, it is our responsibility to keep in shape during our breaks.  I ask that each family make every effort to have their son attend practice.  Our coaching staff puts aside their time to be there.

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